The True Blue Patrons Club was set up in 2022 to bring together both new and legacy members of the Conservative party, at key events with prestigious speakers, with one crucial difference – attendees can make a donation to help to subsidise a Young Conservative’s ticket.

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Future speakers we hope to include –
– Esther McVey
– Lord Jeffrey Archer
– Sir Geoffrey Cox
Email us for details.

The first event took place in February 2023 just off Whitehall, featuring an incredible talk from Sir John Redwood. Over 25% of the guests were under 26.

In June we welcomed our second illustrious speaker, Lord David Frost, and again had an impressively high proportion of Young Conservatives.

In November, Deputy Chair Lee Anderson MP bought us our highest proportion of under 26s yet, about 40%, with another fabulous supper event.

The election was called in 2024, another successful dinner was held with at least a third of the guests being young Conservatives, where we heard from the then PPS to the home office, James Sunderland MP. And war hero and candidate Lincoln Jopp, who went onto become an MP in July 2024.

Debbie Flint is Chair of Torridge and Tavistock Conservative Association (since April 2024) having previously been Deputy Chair Membership and Fundraising for four years. In November 2023 she also became Devon Area DCM&F, looking after 12 Associations in the Southwest. From ‘21/22 Debbie was also Patrons Club Chair of Reigate Assoc, since she has two bases, working in London at weekends as a TV presenter, and living in Banstead, Surrey

Nb Events are not published in advance but you can have a look at some of the past successes on True Blue patrons. com.

Founded in October 2022, several True Blue Supper Club (London) events have already been held and attract between 25% to 40% under 26s. Please let Debbie know if you’re interested in going to the next one in London.

These events are exclusively for Conservative members, CWO, Young Conservatives, CPF etc. You will be asked for your membership number when buying tickets.

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This is unforgivable. We are paying billions that we don’t have to a country that was already paid for renouncing its claim in the first place. We are betraying both Western interests and the Chagossian people.
What next? Throw in the Isle of Wight, too?

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plotting against him ….. 👇

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